A group of supporters of the Azerbaijani artist and gay asylum seeker Babi Badalov picketed the Home Office's Border Agency in Cardiff today.
Amongst the many protesters was Leanne Wood AM and TV cameras and reporters were present.
Bethan Jenkins AM said:
“We must support asylum seekers such as Babi, and there is an obligation on the Westminster government to defend those people who face persecution in their respective countries. Wales has welcomed Babi with open arms, and it is deeply frustrating that the National Assembly for Wales does not have the powers to overturn decisions to deport asylum seekers who are clearly in danger.”Supporters are seeking to delay any deportation while vital new evidence is presented concerning Babi’s psychological wellbeing and the threats that have been made to him. Babi remains in Rhymney police station.
The campaign to save Babi remain confident that Saturday’s threatened expulsion will not take place, but if necessary protesters will focus on the airline responsible for the proposed deportation, a tactic which has met with some success in recent cases.

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