Saturday 26 February 2011

In Spain, NGOs win right of access to detention centres

Source: Migreurop

[Google translation]

We, the organizations belonging to the Spanish Migreurop [Abedie, Acsur, Andalucía Acoge, Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía, CEAR, Federación de SOS Racismo], welcome the resolution of Magistrate 6 Madrid, January 13 last dictation, defending the right of access for NGOs in the Centro de Extranjeros internamiento (CIEs) of Madrid, to ensure the rights of detainees, and directed management of the center to remove the obstacles currently impeding the exercise of this right of access.

Consider the resolution as a fundamental step on the path to the rights of strangers trapped in the CIEs.

Congratulations organizations Pueblos Unidos, SOS Racismo Madrid and the Ferrocarril Clandestino who, through their tenacity, have made this success possible.

Demand that the Spanish Government should take note of the basis for judicial resolution, incorporates the Regulation under the Foreigners Act (Ley de Extranjería) in development and takes into account the requests that we, social organizations , have sent him about it.

While arguing for the disappearance of CIEs, we require that their existence does not affect other rights that deprivation of freedom of movement, as reported in the judicial resolution.  To ensure this, we believe that the right of access in CIEs social organizations are exercising a right of paramount importance, as claimed by Migreurop throughout the EU.

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