Tuesday 16 November 2010

New way to read Twitter posters we've listed

By Paul Canning

You may have noted a new item appearing at the bottom of our right-hand column. We've started using a new service called paper.li which takes links from anyone's Twitter streams, tags or lists and turns them into a sort of daily online newspaper.

Ours takes a list of currently 63 Tweeters we've called 'asylum global south', which is our Twitter list of asylum and refugee groups plus news sources from the global south.

We're not the only one. Kenneth Mills in Belgium has one called 'The lgbtasylum Daily'. We also seem to be appearing in others 'newspapers', such as Barbra Jolie’s 'The Rights East Africa Daily'. Other ones which may interest could be Jessica Keralis’s 'The Refugees/IDPs Daily' and Deesha Chandra’s 'The refugeevoice Daily'.

You can be notified by email when it's published. The only downside I can see is how the algorithm picks which tweets to highlight - which makes a machine the editor, they wouldn't necessarily be our picks.

But generally it serves up a chunk of interesting content and this seems like a very useful new service for people who don't constantly check their Twitter streams. Let us know if you think any other Tweeters should be included in our 'newspaper'.
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