Wednesday 17 November 2010

Defiant gay and lesbian activists gather in Morocco

Source: Pink Paper

By Rex Wockner

Members of Morocco's nascent gay group, Kifkif, held activities for their national LGBT Day in the capital, 4 November.

"The highlight of the event was a panel discussion (on the) problems and challenges individuals face because of their sexual orientation, which prevents them from living in peace and safety, free from fear of symbolic or actual violence," said spokesman Karim Al-Samiti.

The assembled group decided to draft a letter to the authorities, to be signed by three of the group's members, detailing LGBT human-rights violations in Morocco and reminding officials of various international human-rights treaties the nation has signed.

"The participants joined each other in blowing out the candles, wishing that one day the sun of freedom and tolerance shines on the homeland," said Al-Samiti.

In a speech to the gathering, Al-Samiti proclaimed: "Enough of the imprisonment of the active and productive youth who love their country! Enough demonisation of homosexuals! Enough treating them as if they are untouchable, sick, crazy or from another planet! Enough attending the funerals of the young people whose candle of life was blown away by the storm of rejection, fear and abuse, and their bodies were thrown to the dark arms of death!

"Enough alienating our youth and forcing them into exile overseas, where they have to suffer from loneliness and separation! Enough destroying the future of our people and depriving them of their rights as citizens! Enough tears!"


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